Monday, June 17, 2013

[Shincheonji Bible Story] Classification of the Biblical Era - Noah 1

1.     Sins of Adam & his generation & God’s grief over the sinful world
Even though Adam had eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, people of Adam’s generation did not realize that they broke the commandment from God and still thought themselves to be the chosen people. God felt even regret over creating the mankind on the earth.
<Ref. verses: Ge6:5~7>

2.     The new chosen person by God among Adam’s generation
With the result of Adam’s betrayal, there was no one to fulfill God’s will. In this situation God chose Noah among Adam’s generation as the one who would undertake and accomplish God’s tasks.
<Ref. verses: Ge6:8~9>.

3.     Warnings to Adam’s generation who turned back on God’s commandment
God gave to Noah a warning message that he would clear away sinful creatures who do not repent over their sins.
 <Ref. verses: Ge6:13~17>

4.     Condemnation on the sinned generation
At the appointed time, God sent a floodwater on the earth. In the midst of the condemnation through the flood, there were two types of people who survived and who did not. What made the difference between them?
 <Ref. verse: Ge7:23>

* The Outcome of those who survived vs. those who did not survive
   ①  Those who survived: Noah and his family => Greeting the new era acknowledged by God
<Ref. verses: 1Pe3:20, Ge6:22>
    Those who did not: Adam’s generation except Noah’s family => Being condemned to perish
<Ref. verses: Mt24:38~39, Lk17:27, 1Pe3:20>

* What made the huge difference between these two groups?
: Whether to obey God’s message preached by God’s chosen person

5.     Some Survivors, beginning of the new era
As survivors of the flood by obeying God’s words, Noah and his family opened up the new era.
 <Ref. verses: Ge9:1, Ge9:11, Isa1:9>

Through the following posting, we are going to examine what Noah’s generation was like and what they ended up being after all.

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