Friday, June 28, 2013

[Shincheonji World News] Nelson Mandela in critical condition

Nelson Mandela's health has deteriorated and he is now in critical condition, the South African government said Sunday, the Associated Press reported.

The office of President Jacob Zuma said in a statement that he had visited the 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader at a hospital Sunday evening and was informed by the medical team that Mandela's condition had become critical in the past 24 hours.

"The doctors are doing everything possible to get his condition to improve and are ensuring that Madiba is well-looked after and is comfortable," Zuma said in the statement, using Mandela's clan name.

Zuma also met Graca Machel, Mandela's wife, at the hospital in Pretoria and discussed the former leader's condition, according to the statement.

Mandela was jailed for 27 years under white racist rule and released in 1990. He then played a leading role in steering the divided country from the apartheid era to democracy, becoming South Africa's first black president in all-race elections in 1994.

He was hospitalized on June 8 for what the government said was a recurring lung infection.
Just as Mandela has been sacrificing all his life to achieve the peace in his country, South Africa, God is still working to bring about peace and unification  not only on the specific region but also on the whole earth. 
Given that the world is divided into hundreds of languages and races, what can truly bring about peace on the earth? 

" Just as it says, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men,” world war will only end when religious war—in which people dispute with one another, claiming to be the truth—comes to an end. This is going to happen as the truth overcomes, and religions are unified through the truth. War will come to an end as Satan, the spirit of wickedness, is seized and locked up. It will be glory to God and peace to men as the God of peace retrieves the world he created and reigns over it. This is how we send away the old and welcome the new. This is truly a good season.                                 - man hee lee

The material to make the world united is nowhere else but in Shincheonji. Come and find it!

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