Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[Shincheonji Bible Story] Classification of the Biblical Era - Abraham

Creation of Abraham's Generation

When the sin of Noah's offsprings, the Canaanites reached its full measure, God chose Abraham to fulfill His desire. With him, God made covenants.(Ps89:3)

>> God's Covenants wih Abraham
(1) The LORD  would give Abraham the land where the Canaanites were residing.
(Ref. Ge12:7)
(2) Abraham's offspring will be countless like stars in the heavens.
(Ref. Ge13:16, Ge15:5, Ge17:4~7)
(3) Abraham's descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and come back in the fourth generation with great possessions.
(Ref. Ge15:13~16)
(4) Through Isaac, Abraham's offspring, all nations on earth will be blessed.
(Ref. Ge21:12, Ge22:17~18)

Specifically through the covenant No.(1), we can perceive that God neither ignored nor endured the sin of the Canaanites and determined to punish them through Abraham's descendants.
The Canaanites were the descendants of Ham and Abraham was the descendant of Shem.

Abraham gave birth to two sons, who were Ishmael and Isaac. In accordance with God's will, Isaac continued bloodlineage as the child of promise of God.

As one of the two sons of Isaac, Jacob established the 12-tribes physical Israelites with his twelve sons.

In God's providence 70 members of Jacob's family went to Egypt. During 400 years in Egypt, they increased in number amounting to six hundred thousand of men on foot, besides women and children.(Ex12:37~42)

Four hundreds' length of time  was a preliminary for God to prepare Abraham's offsprings to conquer the Canaanites. With God's promise reaching its term, it came to be fulfilled by Moses, who was born of Jacob's ancestry.

Through God's untiring efforts to fulfill his will, we should think about ourselves how much we are earnest in understanding and living by God's true will. Without it, we will end up being the entity judged against God's words.

Through next posting, let us find out how all the covenants to Abraham were fulfilled by Moses and his generation.

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