Wednesday, July 24, 2013

[Shincheonji Bible Story] Classification of the Biblical History - Jesus Christ

● Betrayal of Israel, Moses’ world, and the promise of God
God made a covenant with Israel, the world of Moses (Ex19:5-6). But that covenant was broken as they did not keep the covenant and bowed to the gentile gods at the time of Solomon. This event led Israel to be split into the northern and the southern part. And both of them violated and betrayed the covenant like Adam(Hos6:7). God did not give up, however, and began to give promises regarding future events through the prophets, and this promise made up of the Old Testament.
God conveyed this promise to Israel that betrayed for the next 600~700 years. What was the true entity of the Old Testament? It was sending the Messiah to save God's chosen people.
At the appointed time, God's promise was fulfilled by the coming of Jesus.
How was the response of the physical Israelites to Jesus?
At this time, the people of Physical Israel(Moses' generation) did not realize that they broke the covenant through their transgression at the time of Solomon (1Kings11), and that they were sinners who betrayed by worshiping gentile gods. Rather, they still believed that they were the orthodoxy and the chosen people. They did not know that God had already left them, and they called Jesus a cult and demon-possessed. Just like Adams’ world that was destroyed through the flood, they considered themselves the orthodoxy and God’s chosen people.
To them, Jesus explained that they had become the children of Satan and that they must be reborn to enter into the kingdom of heaven(Jn3:5~6), but they did not perceive this. They were totally oblivious to what they promised with God and insusceptible about that they broke the covenant.
And so as promised in Jer31:31~32, Jesus made a new covenant with those who received him as God's son in Lk22:14~20. We, Christians, are the recipient of this promise. So let us try to view ourselves to the mirror of the bible whether we live by the new covenant.

1 comment:

  1. We should keep the new covenant words in our mind that Jesus promised to us.
