Tuesday, July 16, 2013

[Shincheonji Quotes] Request of Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus

We are the people of heaven who have all received forgiveness of our sins through the blood of Jesus. Since we have been born again through the same seed and the same holy spirit, let us gather our forces and accomplish goodness (Rom 8:28). Let us fulfill the beautiful heaven here on earth, just as it is done in heaven (Mt 6:10). In doing so, I pray that all of us eternally serve and praise God and Jesus and live with them together. Let us also pray for each other. Let us retain noble hearts and good thoughts, and let us volunteer through the truth without having any national borders. Let us bring the restoration of light to religions and peace and unification to the world!

Let us walk with God, teaching the knowledge of truth. Walk on the correct path, the path of righteousness and justice. By doing this let us become the most virtuous kings of the strongest nation in Biblical history. There are not many days left until the pastors from each country in this world are invited to Mt. Zion in the Republic of Korea.

The prophecy, the world (Christian world), pastors, and their congregations are coming to an end. A new era is being launched. God and heaven are descending upon the 12 tribes of Shincheonji that have been purchased by the blood of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Let us all receive the returning Lord and live with God in heaven!

There is only one Lord. There is only one Bible. There is only one purpose of our life of faith. The only purpose of our faith is in the same God, the same hope, the same heaven and the same eternal life. We are the same brothers and family who have received the same seed of God. Just as the Lord loves us, we must love each other. We must forgive, love, and bless one another.
                                                                                                                                           Man Hee Lee


  1. By knowing God's word correctly is going to the correct path

  2. Not even a word can be deniable!

  3. President General Lee Man-hee's the end of the syeonggyeong to world peace by spreading the salrinda as shepherds.

  4. We must forgive, love, and bless one another!!!

  5. Accomplish the promise of the New Testament From shinchonji ! !
