Sun, March 3, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
National Parliament House of Papua New Guinea
Chairman Lee was going to have a conversation with the prime minister of Papua New Guinea. However, because of the prime minister’s bad condition, prime minister had to cancel his all schedules of that day. Instead of him, he asked Leo Dion, the deputy prime minister of Papua New Guinea, to have a meeting with Chairman Lee. Chairman Lee was invited to the national parliament house, and the meeting started.
“I was in the Korean War. There were many favors that my fellows asked, and one of them asked me to do the peace work for the war cessation if I survive. I met many presidents and prime ministers, and I suggested them to sign for the war cessation and the world peace in the International law when all people representing each country have a meeting. Also, many international youth groups agreed this suggestion and they wanted to be a part of this suggestion. All presidents, ministers, and pastors make their mind into one.”
The deputy prime minister was moved to this suggestion, so he wanted to listen to Chairman’s instruction more to make peaceful world.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Pastors’ conference in Grand Papua Hotel
After the meeting at national parliament house, Chairman Lee went back to the Grand Papua Hotel. Pastors representing Papua New Guinea were waiting Chairman Lee to listen his word. Chairman Lee said the way to achieve world peace again during this conference.
“I am standing here to talk as a messenger of peace. I am agitating for the world peace and the restoration of light by traveling the whole world. I met many presidents and ministers. Sometimes I gave an address at National Assemblies. At the time of the First Coming, disciples joyfully praised Jesus. They said that Jesus is the king who comes in the name of the Lord and Jesus is peace in heaven and glory in the highest (Lk 19: 38-42). As you can see the time of the First Coming, Jesus came to the world to make world peace. The time of these days is same at the time of the First Coming. Now we can make the world peace and the restoration of light with heavenly culture.” Many pastors who participated in this conference were so impressed. Also, they were alarming the fact that heavenly culture can really make the world peace. The true material for world peace is the word of God. They were so surprised and happy to know this remarkable material.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Pangia/ Ialibu
Chairman Lee and Hee delegation moved to the Mountain Hagen. They stayed in there one day, and there, they were served special treatment. The Guards escorted them day and night because of the prime minister’s direction. Staying there one night, they moved again to Pangia, the hometown of prime minister. The prime minister wanted to invite them to his hometown. People in Panguia welcomed Chairman Lee and Hee delegation warmly.
“I heard that here is the hometown of the prime minister. I think here is like the world of God. I think here will be a light of this world forever. Let’s make our mind to one, all of you, and make a bright, peaceful world. I will remember you all in my mind, and tell to the whole world.”
After they visited Panguia, they went to Ialibu. People in Ialibu prepared a festival. The festival is usually held for visiting the prime minister. However, they prepared this festival for Chairman Lee and Hee delegation. They gave a hat for Chairman Lee that is usually for a chief. The leaders and pastors of this region introduced Chairman Lee as a person of God.
“Thank you for welcoming us and treating us so special. Heaven and earth saw your special treatment for us. I am preaching the word of God, and also I am telling the heavenly culture that can be a source to make the world peace. Like the lights, rains and airs come to people equally, I want to people to have blessings. ”
Through this speech, Chairman Lee gave a speech of the Revelation for one hour. They were happy to hear this testifies. One of leaders of this region told that he wanted to donate his land to use it for peace.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Female leader conference at Grand Papua Hotel in Ports Moresby
The last day of staying Papua New Guinea, many female leaders gathered to listen to Chairman Lee’s instruction. Chairman Lee gave the word of truth to them and wished them to realize the word of God.
“As you can see at Jeremiah chapter31, it says that Jesus’ appearance is ‘A New Thing’. Now I want all of you to realize the word of God. God showed all events of Revelation to the Advocate, and those who listens to the word of the Advocate, God will be blessed. Do you know this blessing? It is the kingdom of heaven and the eternal life. ”
People who attended this meeting were so impressed about this teaching. They gave Chairman Lee and Hee delegation national flowers to welcome.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
After Chairman Lee finished his schedule, he came back to Korea. This travel was so special than before trip. People in Papua New Guinea gave a special treatment to them, and they were happy to hear the message of peace leader.
One of pastors realized Chairman’s teaching is a real method to achieve the world peace. Therefore, he wanted to learn more about his teaching, so he decided to come to Korea.
As Chairman Lee said repeatedly, the real material of
the world peace and the restoration of light is heavenly culture, and it is the word of God. God send his messenger to the world, and the Advocate testifies the word of truth now. He will testify this word of truth to the all over the world because of his mission. This word is spreading now, and many people who heard this word are coming to Shincheonji, and they wanted to be the part of making world peace.
Chairman Lee will travel to the world over and over again to testify this alarming word of truth, and the source of the world peace.
How gracious!