Light of Shincheonji
Saturday, September 14, 2013
[Shincheonji Quotes] The Significance of Four Gospels by Man Hee Lee
The Creator God Father had chosen the prophets to record the old and the new testaments on behalf of God. It means that the writer of the 4 gospels is God himself and thus it contains the will of God.
The term, 4 gospels, refers to four books written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John especially regarding the traces and words of Jesus. The thing that four of them deal with the performances of Jesus in so similar a tone proves us that the events recorded in 4 gospels are the actual historical events. And it allows us to see Jesus' life in more comprehensive and multidimensional way.
Among 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke are called as 'the synoptic Gospels' since they are written on the similar format and perspectives. On the other hand, the book of John deals with more spiritual contents than the others and also mentions about the Counselor.
The thing that 4 gospels cover the fulfillment of the old testament confirms us that 'The bible is living words.' as well as 'The writer God is working alive.'.Not only that, it also suggests that Jesus is the Messiah, who was promised by God in the old testament Furthermore, it makes us believe that 'Promises in the New Testament are also to be fulfilled.'.
These elements characterize the 4 Gospels as the answers for the old testament and the stepping-stone which connects between the old testament and the new testament. Also it plays the role of the backbone of the Christianity and of the guidance to the kingdom of heaven. Saints can never think light of the 4 Gospels.
The spiritual state of the second coming of Jesus is no other than the one of the first coming.(Rev11:8) What is to come is of more importance than what has already passed by. We should set the past events as the mirror to view ourselves. Doing this, we should try to realize well what is yet to be fulfilled not to repeat the mistake of the Jews.
Jesus has revealed the secrets of Heaven in 4 gospels(Mt13:34~35) and asserted that anyone who does not understand the true meaning of the parables will not be forsaken nor be God's children.(Mk4:10~13) Even though now is the time for the secret of the kingdom of heaven to be revealed. plainly, we will be the ones who have nothing to do with God's kingdom of heaven unless we try our best to realize the true meaning of them.
Now is the time for everyone to repent and come into the word of God.
I pray that those who read this article are sure to verify the promises and the fulfillment of the old testament and further to keep the new promise of Jesus who is to come the second time.
Shincheonji is now proclaiming the physical fulfillment of the new testament exactly based on the bible, which has taken place in Gwa-cheon in South Korea.
Source: The Preface of 'The Acts of Jesus Christ' by Man Hee Lee
Sunday, September 8, 2013
[Shincheonji To the World] The Word of Shincheonji Stirred the Hearts of Christians in Europe.
In times of crisis, whether it be the crisis in Europe, conflicts in Syria or other many disputes that exist today, people seek answers from religion.
Approximately 2.2 billion people are Christian, and among them is Mr. Lee Man Hee.
Nevertheless, this Korean man, Lee Man Hee is no ordinary Christian. He says that he holds the mission of declaring to the world that the book of Revelation has been fulfilled exactly as it has been written in the bible.
Lee Man Hee, who was born in Korea, had only visited the United States and Asia for the Open-Bible Seminars until last Saturday when he came to Berlin for the first time to testify the word of God.
The visit to Europe is of great importance to Mr. Lee Man Hee.
"The purpose of my visit to Europe is to proclaim that the prophecy has been fulfilled to those who believe in the promise of the New Testament that the prophecy would be fulfilled. The seed of the Gospel had been sown into the field of the world, starting from Europe and spreading to the East. The prophecy has been fulfilled as promised in the East. This is what I am declaring. The promise of Jesus is what believers and people of faith must see and believe."
"There is no word of the revelation, and that the word of God has been depleted. All pastors, presbyters, elders, missionaries and people of our church have gathered to hear the word of truth."
His first name "Man Hee" holds the meaning of 'light' or 'to enlighten'.
According to those around him, the name suits him very well.
Thousands of believers visit his seminar to hear and find the word and spiritual enlightenment. Nevertheless, the words of Mr. Lee Man Hee pertains to all Christians in the world.
"I would like to give the following message to all Christians. God's book, the book of Revelation is open and the words have been fulfilled. Come and see for yourself. If this is true, it means that Heaven, the Kingdom of God has already come. Repent and believe that you can be reborn and become the people of Heaven."
It is not surprising to see that people are seeking comfort in his message.
Approximately 2.2 billion people are Christian, and among them is Mr. Lee Man Hee.
Nevertheless, this Korean man, Lee Man Hee is no ordinary Christian. He says that he holds the mission of declaring to the world that the book of Revelation has been fulfilled exactly as it has been written in the bible.
Lee Man Hee, who was born in Korea, had only visited the United States and Asia for the Open-Bible Seminars until last Saturday when he came to Berlin for the first time to testify the word of God.
The visit to Europe is of great importance to Mr. Lee Man Hee.
"The purpose of my visit to Europe is to proclaim that the prophecy has been fulfilled to those who believe in the promise of the New Testament that the prophecy would be fulfilled. The seed of the Gospel had been sown into the field of the world, starting from Europe and spreading to the East. The prophecy has been fulfilled as promised in the East. This is what I am declaring. The promise of Jesus is what believers and people of faith must see and believe."
82-year-old Mr. Lee became a Christian as a child in Asia where Buddhism and Taoism have its deep root while Christianity is treated contemptuously. For this, Mr. Lee Man Hee is glad to see that his church has achieved great expansion in Asia. There is a reason behind such growth.
"There is no word of the revelation, and that the word of God has been depleted. All pastors, presbyters, elders, missionaries and people of our church have gathered to hear the word of truth."
His first name "Man Hee" holds the meaning of 'light' or 'to enlighten'.
According to those around him, the name suits him very well.
Thousands of believers visit his seminar to hear and find the word and spiritual enlightenment. Nevertheless, the words of Mr. Lee Man Hee pertains to all Christians in the world.
"I would like to give the following message to all Christians. God's book, the book of Revelation is open and the words have been fulfilled. Come and see for yourself. If this is true, it means that Heaven, the Kingdom of God has already come. Repent and believe that you can be reborn and become the people of Heaven."
It is not surprising to see that people are seeking comfort in his message.
Friday, September 6, 2013
[Shincheonji To the World] South Korea's 'anointed' one, Man Hee Lee, to visit Southland
Spiritual leader Man Hee Lee, greeting followers in Berlin
South Korea's 'anointed' one, Man Hee Lee, to visit Southland
It could be on a par with a Billy Graham revival as later this month a Southland church hosts a South Korean religious leader, whose increasing worldwide following of all races fervently believe Jesus has commanded him to testify about the Revelation.
On July 21, The Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, will host a lecture from the Christian Instructor Man Hee Lee, spiritual leader and founder of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (which derives its name from Revelation 15:5), who will testify to the fulfillment of the New Testament prophecies — specifically to the time of the end in Matthew 13 and 24, and the entire book of Revelation.
Monai Thornton, a 24-year-old African-American Long Beach, Cal State university student, will be one of the expected throng to hear his “truth.”
According to the Tabernacle’s website, Lee is a descendant of a Korean royal family of the Joseon Dynasty with a lineage tracing back 500 years.
Born in 1931 in the rural town of Gyeongbuk Cheongdo, as the 7th of 12 sons, it is said his grandfather saw a radiant light shining upon Lee’s mother, and named him Man Hee, meaning light.
A former member of the Korean Special Forces, it’s claimed Lee’s transformation came in the midst of prayer when a huge star came down and a bright heavenly figure appeared, introduced himself as Jesus and anointed him.
“According to his command, I went to a church named the Tabernacle Temple in Cheongdo where I saw and heard the events right before my very eyes that were fulfilling Revelation. What I am testifying to is the fulfillment of Revelation.”
Lee’s Tabernacle of the Testimony, headquartered in South Korea with 53 church branches, boasts 140,000 worldwide members, and claims to have established 300 seminary schools, graduating more than 85,000 students.
His Open Bible Seminars, like the one scheduled in Garden Grove, draw thousands of attendees; he testified in Europe in May when over 500 pastors heard him speak in Berlin, and has a return engagement on July 4.
“I’ve learned so much from these bible studies, and the reason is because of this person,” said Thornton, who first attended a Tabernacle seminar through a friend.
“He has seen and heard the events in Revelation. A lot of the time stuff in the bible doesn’t make sense and it’s hard too understand. So, you get bogged down and you’re like I can never understand God. But he makes it so easy; it’s really grown my faith and I feel like a new person.”
Thornton, who said she is “excited, happy and curious,” with the prospect of seeing Lee in person, dismissed any idea that the Tabernacle might be some sort of cult.
“No, we believe in God as Christians,” she replied. “We’re not following him like he’s Jesus or anything like that. He’s teaching us a lot, so we give him gratitude. We’re not trying to raise him up like he’s some kind of grand person. We’re not going to move off into the middle of nowhere or something like that.”
Monday, September 2, 2013
[Shincheonji Quotes] The Lamp and Oil to Receive Jesus at His second Coming
... At the time of the First Coming, the Jews failed to receive their God
as their groom despite having the Old Testament (prophecies). This was due to
their lack of understanding of the words of the promise. Likewise today, if one
does not know the returning path of the Lord and the promised pastor, they will
be unable to recognize God, the Holy City of New Jerusalem coming down from
heaven, and Jesus when they come and only become persecutors. Without the proper
teaching, the pastors of each denomination will be held responsible for their
members’ ignorance. The Bible even promises after which events and to whom
heaven, God and Jesus would come (Rv 3:12).
The word of the New Testament is the path, the lamp and the light the
Lord uses to return. The oil of the Holy Spirit is the revealed word, which is
the evidence of the fulfillment of Revelation. Being part of the fulfillment (the
physical realities and entities) transpires as, being reborn in a new image as
the new covenant is fulfilled in you. The eligibility of receiving the Lord at
the wedding banquet is preparing the lamp and the oil, and acting in accordance
to the prophecy and its physical fulfillment.
Monday, August 19, 2013
[About Shincheonji] Shincheonji Olympic - “The 6th Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light"
“The 6th Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light” hosted by Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Tabernacle of Testimony and Mannam Volunteer Organization, at Seoul Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium in the morning of the 16th September.
Two players took the Shincheonji Olympic oath.
Race - The 6th Shincheonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
Shincheonji official mark, the City of New Jerusalem(Rev. 21:2) and Zion Christian Mission Center(Rev. 14:1~5) mark.
Tree of Life - 12 tribe of God's Kingdom with the one who overcomes(Rev. 22:1~2).
God gives the sealed scroll to Jesus, who takes the scroll (Rv 5:7) and breaks the seven seals. - The 6th Shincheonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
The prophecies of Revelation are fulfilled as the seals are opened one by one (Rv 6; Rv 8). - The 6th Shincheonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
Revelation: The one who overcome eats opened bible, taken by the strong angel. (Rev. 10:8~10) - The 6th Shinchonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
He preached again, as a trumphet, to many peoples ad nations and tongues and kings. (Rev. 10:8, 11) - The 6th Shinchonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John 19:30) - The 6th Shinchonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
Signify victory through peace and harmony where ever Shinchonji goes. The 6th Shincheonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
Man-Hee Lee, chairman of Shinchonji, lighted the olympic flame. It was the first time after 24 years, Seoul Olympic. @ The 6th Shincheonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
The olympic flame is blazing up. The 6th Shincheonji Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light (September 16, 2012)
The vip observed a moment of silence in honor of the fallen. (The 6th Shincheonji & Mannam Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light)
The grand banner enclosing the message of world peace is fluttering in the sky at Seoul Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium, where “The 6th Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light” event hosted by Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Tabernacle of Testimony and Mannam Volunteer Organization, is taking place.
“The 6th Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light” hosted by Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Tabernacle of Testimony and Mannam Volunteer Organization, at Seoul Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium in the morning of the 16th September.
Monday, August 5, 2013
[24 Q&A] 5. If God loves people, why does he allow pain, unhappiness and death?
5. If God loves people, why does he allow pain, unhappiness and death?
Mr. Lee, you are saying this because you do not understand the meaning of religion. There are two kinds of gods. One is the Creator, who is life and the other is an evil god, who is a created being. Of course, the Creator loves all creation because he created it. The evil god, who is a created being, makes all creation suffer because he did not create them. He makes people blame God just like Mr. Lee.
Then who is this evil god, the created being? In the spiritual world, there are four cherubs (four living creatures, four archangels); one of the cherubs (archangel), who was in charge of one-fourth of the troops, rebelled against God and became an evil god (Satan, devil). He tried to throw the true God out and make himself God. This was the traitor, the devil, who took away the whole world created by God, and he has been ruling over it.
The way the true God, who is the Creator, makes this fact known to the people is through the Bible. As written in the answer to the fourth question, someday the true God, the Creator, will come and restore everything to its original state. The pain people suffer is not given by the true God, the Creator; rather it is given by the traitor, the evil god.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
[Shincheonji To the World] Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the South by Man Hee Lee.
Sun, March 3, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
National Parliament House of Papua New Guinea
Chairman Lee was going to have a conversation with the prime minister of Papua New Guinea. However, because of the prime minister’s bad condition, prime minister had to cancel his all schedules of that day. Instead of him, he asked Leo Dion, the deputy prime minister of Papua New Guinea, to have a meeting with Chairman Lee. Chairman Lee was invited to the national parliament house, and the meeting started.
“I was in the Korean War. There were many favors that my fellows asked, and one of them asked me to do the peace work for the war cessation if I survive. I met many presidents and prime ministers, and I suggested them to sign for the war cessation and the world peace in the International law when all people representing each country have a meeting. Also, many international youth groups agreed this suggestion and they wanted to be a part of this suggestion. All presidents, ministers, and pastors make their mind into one.”
The deputy prime minister was moved to this suggestion, so he wanted to listen to Chairman’s instruction more to make peaceful world.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Pastors’ conference in Grand Papua Hotel
After the meeting at national parliament house, Chairman Lee went back to the Grand Papua Hotel. Pastors representing Papua New Guinea were waiting Chairman Lee to listen his word. Chairman Lee said the way to achieve world peace again during this conference.
“I am standing here to talk as a messenger of peace. I am agitating for the world peace and the restoration of light by traveling the whole world. I met many presidents and ministers. Sometimes I gave an address at National Assemblies. At the time of the First Coming, disciples joyfully praised Jesus. They said that Jesus is the king who comes in the name of the Lord and Jesus is peace in heaven and glory in the highest (Lk 19: 38-42). As you can see the time of the First Coming, Jesus came to the world to make world peace. The time of these days is same at the time of the First Coming. Now we can make the world peace and the restoration of light with heavenly culture.” Many pastors who participated in this conference were so impressed. Also, they were alarming the fact that heavenly culture can really make the world peace. The true material for world peace is the word of God. They were so surprised and happy to know this remarkable material.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Pangia/ Ialibu
Chairman Lee and Hee delegation moved to the Mountain Hagen. They stayed in there one day, and there, they were served special treatment. The Guards escorted them day and night because of the prime minister’s direction. Staying there one night, they moved again to Pangia, the hometown of prime minister. The prime minister wanted to invite them to his hometown. People in Panguia welcomed Chairman Lee and Hee delegation warmly.
“I heard that here is the hometown of the prime minister. I think here is like the world of God. I think here will be a light of this world forever. Let’s make our mind to one, all of you, and make a bright, peaceful world. I will remember you all in my mind, and tell to the whole world.”
After they visited Panguia, they went to Ialibu. People in Ialibu prepared a festival. The festival is usually held for visiting the prime minister. However, they prepared this festival for Chairman Lee and Hee delegation. They gave a hat for Chairman Lee that is usually for a chief. The leaders and pastors of this region introduced Chairman Lee as a person of God.
“Thank you for welcoming us and treating us so special. Heaven and earth saw your special treatment for us. I am preaching the word of God, and also I am telling the heavenly culture that can be a source to make the world peace. Like the lights, rains and airs come to people equally, I want to people to have blessings. ”
Through this speech, Chairman Lee gave a speech of the Revelation for one hour. They were happy to hear this testifies. One of leaders of this region told that he wanted to donate his land to use it for peace.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Female leader conference at Grand Papua Hotel in Ports Moresby
The last day of staying Papua New Guinea, many female leaders gathered to listen to Chairman Lee’s instruction. Chairman Lee gave the word of truth to them and wished them to realize the word of God.
“As you can see at Jeremiah chapter31, it says that Jesus’ appearance is ‘A New Thing’. Now I want all of you to realize the word of God. God showed all events of Revelation to the Advocate, and those who listens to the word of the Advocate, God will be blessed. Do you know this blessing? It is the kingdom of heaven and the eternal life. ”
People who attended this meeting were so impressed about this teaching. They gave Chairman Lee and Hee delegation national flowers to welcome.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
After Chairman Lee finished his schedule, he came back to Korea. This travel was so special than before trip. People in Papua New Guinea gave a special treatment to them, and they were happy to hear the message of peace leader.
One of pastors realized Chairman’s teaching is a real method to achieve the world peace. Therefore, he wanted to learn more about his teaching, so he decided to come to Korea.
As Chairman Lee said repeatedly, the real material of
the world peace and the restoration of light is heavenly culture, and it is the word of God. God send his messenger to the world, and the Advocate testifies the word of truth now. He will testify this word of truth to the all over the world because of his mission. This word is spreading now, and many people who heard this word are coming to Shincheonji, and they wanted to be the part of making world peace.
Chairman Lee will travel to the world over and over again to testify this alarming word of truth, and the source of the world peace.
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