Thursday, June 20, 2013

[Shincheonji Quotes] Time to realize God's true will in Shincheonji

God created the worlds of Adam and Noah, and yet they were deceived by the devil and betrayed God just like the devil (refer to Gn 3:1-11; Gn 9:20-27). The world of Moses, the Israelites who received the Law betrayed God as well (Hos 6:7). Due to such betrayal, God appointed the Old Testament prophets in order to make known the true God (Hos 6:6) and also to proclaim future events. God came to Jesus and made himself known to people by fulfilling the Old Testament. The Israelites, however, adhered only to the Law of Moses, and they did not receive God. God, therefore, established a new covenant, which is the New Testament, through Jesus (Mt 26:26-29; Lk 22:14-20; Heb 8:10). The book of Revelation, which is yet to be fulfilled at the second coming, summarizes the New Testament very well. There has never been a time when God did not fulfill his promises accordingly (Is 14:24; Hab 2:3). In the same manner, God has also fulfilled the book of Revelation and the New Testament.

Source: Healing all nations

This is the round-up of the biblical history in the context of COVENANT.  God said he would keep his covenant to those who love him and keep his commands.(Dt7:9)
Carrying out the life of faith, what are we heading for in our spirit? And all through the biblical history what is God accomplishing with his zeal ?

Due to Adam's betrayal, God had to map out for recovering his lost paradise. Not to be betrayed again, God chose the people and had to test and train them to see whether they would keep the promise or not..(refer to Ps89:3, Dt8:2)

Throughout the ages of Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God chose the physical Israelites as his chosen people and commanded them to keep his promise and obey his words.(Ex19:5~6) It was to make them his kingdom of priests and holy nations. Tempted by Satan ever since the original sin, however, the people chosen by God turned their backs on God's promise. That has always been and even now is the case.

After the first covenant broken, Jesus made the second promise and he has left it to us 2000 years before.  The gospel has been preached in the whole world as a testimony.(Mt24:14)  That means we have no excuse for God's words.(refer to Jn15:22)

Now is the time when the signs of the second coming of Jesus have already been fulfilled and we should prepare the lamp and oil to meet the bridegroom.
In Shincheonji, we are testifying about the fulfillment of the New Testament. Come and see!