Thursday, July 4, 2013

[Shincheonji Quotes] The True Way to Get Salvation

..... Although Adam and Eve had inherited everything under the heavens, they became Satan the Devil’s possession because they betrayed; this is why God had to leave Adam’s world (Gn 6). After leaving Adam’s world, God came to Noah who was the 9th descendant of Adam. And it was through Noah whom God warned the people regarding the coming flood of destruction. Despite all this, the world of Adam still did not believe in Noah’s warning.

Why did they not believe in his words? It was because they did not realize that they were sinners through Adam, that God had already left them, and that the God who left them was now with Noah. They insisted that they were the orthodoxy and that they were the chosen people of God whom He created; these are the reasons that they did not believe Noah, and believed that God was still with them.

As promised to Noah, God judged Adam’s world, the world that became full of sin and evil, with a flood. They, who probably called Noah “crazy” for building the ark, drowned in the flood while looking at the ark. It was too late for them to regret not believing in his words.

At the time of Noah, the families of Adam’s world had not perceived their sins, God’s departure from them, and that the God of salvation was with Noah. Their thoughts of being the chosen people and the orthodoxy and that God was still with them were nothing but delusions.

Only Noah’s family of 8 received salvation at the time of the destruction of Adam’s world.

Source: Healing All Nations

These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come.(1Co10:11)

By examining 6,000 years' biblical history, we find that the chosen people in every generation have been oblivious of the covenants with God. So what did they end up being? Only a few survivors were acknowledged by God whereas the rest were put to an end. (Hos6:7, Lk17:27, Jn1:11~13, Isa1:9)

How about the Christians today? Most of Christians think themselves to be the entity of salvation. What is the ground of that? Is it based on the bible or on their own accords?

Tons of verses indicate that we should act upon God's words to enter the kingdom of heaven.(Mt7:21) If somebody considers himself to believe in and love Jesus, then does not keep his words, how can he be recognized by Jesus?(Jn14:23)

We should perceive that God always has acknowledged the people who tried to understand and act upon his will.

Believers! Let us not be oblivious but be vigilant about God's words and get salvation together!

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