Thursday, July 4, 2013

[Shincheonji World News] Japanese Christians call for Tokyo's apology for sexual slavery

“For being Japanese, and moreover, as a man, I apologize to the former sex slaves,” said Toru Akiyama, a pastor from Japan, speaking to an 87-year-old “comfort women” survivor who was sitting in front of him just outside the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, Wednesday.
“Many Japanese people feel ashamed of recent remarks made by some officials in Japan. The Japanese government should acknowledge the basic truth that it forced women into sexual slavery and that is why we are here.”

A group of Japanese Christians led by Akiyama was on a four-day visit to Seoul, mainly to take part in a weekly demonstration.

Protestors gather every Wednesday outside the Japanese Embassy to urge the Japanese government to give proper compensation and an official apology to the wartime victims.

Organized by the non-profit Korean Council for Women Drafted into Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, the date marked the 1,080th of the weekly demonstrations which first began in January 1992.

In response to the Japanese pastor, one survivor, Kim Bok-dong, stood up and said, “Such an incident should never occur again in the future. I really thank the Japanese people for coming here and joining hands.”

According to historians, over 200,000 young women, mostly Koreans, were forced to provide sex for Japanese soldiers during World War II. They are euphemistically called “comfort women.” Only 60 victims including Kim survive as of today with their age groups ranging from late 70s to early 90s.

“Churches in Japan have issued statements criticizing defamatory remarks made by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto,” said Gotto Tatsuo, one of the 15 Japanese Christians who participated in the rally. “We will keep on pushing the Japanese government until they acknowledge the evil deeds they have done in the past.”

Comfort women has been a thorny diplomatic issue between Seoul and Tokyo because Japan reiterates that the matter was settled in a 1965 Korea-Japan claims settlement agreement in which Seoul received $800 million in grants and soft loans.

Japan has rejected Korea’s countless overtures for talks in seeking for further compensation for the wartime victims.

Moreover, prompted by nationalist sentiment, officials under incumbent Shinzo Abe administration have been making provocative comments that deny its past militarism.

Mayor Hashimoto said earlier in an interview that military brothels were “necessary” during wartime to raise the morale of the troops.

This comment prompted a severe backlash from nations that suffered during World War II.

Japan’s conservative swing spilled over into diplomatic relations too when Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se canceled a ministerial meeting with Japan in April in protest of a visit by Japanese officials and lawmakers to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo where many Class-A World War II criminals are commemorated.

Recently, the Abe administration even rejected U.N. suggestion to rein back on provocative remarks made by its officials, saying they are not obliged to abide by them.
Seeing that Japanese Christians urge their government to apologize for  what they have done during World War II, it occurred to me that we should think about what also have been done spiritually during Japanese colonization. 
They forced the Korean Christians to bow down to the God of Japaneses Emperor, which means to worship the gentile God other than the LORD of God.(Ex20:3) 
 ... In the same manner, today's Protestant pastors, the pastors of Spiritual Israel, also consider themselves the only chosen people. They do not know they have sinned (they bowed down to the Japanese god during Japanese's colonization).      
                   - From Healing All Nations by Man Hee Lee
Mt12:31 warns us that every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 
Given that every verse in the Bible is for everyone, let us stop sticking to the physical behavior but step further to the spiritual level to be truly atoned and get salvation. That is the right way to be God's true family!



  1. Totally right! God searches our spiritual behavior more than our physical one. The Bible is the sole criteria.
